Physics For Engineers And Scientists 10Th Edition

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Physics for scientists and engineers seventh edition

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More student friendly than ever, the text includes new context-rich exercises, Think-Pair-Share problems, MCAT-style passage problems and sound educational pedagogy. The unified art program and detailed worked examples compliment the concise language and meticulous instruction for which Raymond A. Serway and John W. Jewett Jr. are known. In addition, WebAssign - the world's easiest to use homework system - equips you with the definitive solution to your homework and assessment needs to maximize your course success. eBook Requirements VitalSource Bookshelf Reader Minimum System Requirements: Windows 7/8, or Mac OS X 10. 6 or above Software Requirements: eTextbooks and eChapters can be viewed by using the free reader listed below. VitalSource Bookshelf eTextbook Reader Be sure to check the format of the eTextbook/eChapter you purchase to know which reader you will need. After purchasing your eTextbook or eChapter, you will be emailed instructions on where and how to download your free reader.

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ISBN13: 9781337553278 ISBN10: 1337553271 Cover type: Hardback Edition: 10TH 19 Copyright: 2019 Publisher: Cengage Learning Published: 2019 International: No NEW $168. 54 USED $168. 54 eBOOK $46. 49 HOMEWORK SOLUTIONS List price: $190. 00 Happy you, happy us. You get 24-hour turnaround. Free shipping on $25+, and dedicated customer service. Cue the smiley faces. FREE Shipping on $25+ Order $25 or more and the shipping's on us. Marketplace items and other exclusions apply. Ships Today! Order by noon CST (Mon-Fri, excluding holidays). Some restrictions apply. Easy 30-Day Returns Not the right book for you? We accept returns within 30 days of purchase. Access codes are non-refundable once revealed or redeemed. Ships directly from us * After your trial, your subscription will automatically continue at $9. 99 or the then current monthly fee unless you cancel. Trial begins at time of purchase. You may cancel at any time. All of our used books are 100% hand-inspected and guaranteed! Happy you, happy us.